Monday 9 February 2009

The European Woman and the Tunisian Man.

Have you been to Tunisia and been involved with a Tunisian man? Have you given presents, money or property to a Tunisian man? Have you married a Tunisian man? Has a Tunisian man lied to you, cheated on you or stolen from you? Are you divorced from a Tunisian man?

If yes, please tell me your story?

I first visited Tunisia in March 2005, with my Mum as she fancied going there. I had been offered cheap holidays there in the past but had declined. The day after we arrived my Mum was downstairs in reception when she was approached by a young man who worked in the hotel, but not for the hotel. He was offering a free trip to see rugs, leather and other things. My Mum accepted and went, but I did not.

The next day the same man offered us both, via my Mum, a free lift in to the nearest town and we accepted. From then on he pursued me with a vengeance.

To cut a long story short: we got to know each other better; we called each other on the phone when I got home; I return to Tunisia to see him for holidays; we married; he lied, cheated and stole from me; we got divorced!

I am by no means the first this has happened to and I certainly won't be the last - once you are not shielded by their 'concern' for your 'safety' you are able to: talk to other women this has happened too; see the scam culture; see the sex trade happening in this very poor country.

I am highly embarrassed about what happened to me. Yet, I feel compelled to tell my story so that I may save (even ne mor woman) women falling for these scams - because that is what they are. I need your stories to present to the British Embassy in order to stop: these marriages; Tunisian immigration; and the theft from British/European women. The Tunisian Govt need to stop it - this can only be done with pressure from the British Govt.

Don'ts, when visiting Tunisia:

  • Do NOT get involved with ANY Tunisian man.

  • Do NOT have sex with a Tunisian man - they have many sexual partner's; live on the African continent and don't like to use protection, so you are more than likely to contract HIV/an STD!

  • If you are insane enough to get involved, do Not: pay to take them out; buy them presents; pay the rent on their apartment; give them money; buy them a car; pay for them to start a business (as it will fail because it was never started).

  • Do NOT marry them.

  • Do NOT import them to the UK.

The Mentality of the Tunisian Man.

  • They see the UK as the land of milk and honey - Tunisia is a very poor country.

  • They are Muslim - the Quran teaches the men that women are not equal to them and I have been called 'Kafir' - a culturally derogatory term for a non-Muslim. Therefore, you will always be treated as a fourth class citizen.

  • They will lie, cheat and steal from their own countrymen, even more so from the RICH Europeans - the country is poor and this is how they get on in life.

  • These men cannot be faithful - they have an accepted tradition of the 'madam', which is a woman who satisfies their need for conversation, company and sex. They find it strange that a woman would want 'her man' to be monogamous/faithful. Young girls seek the 'advice' of old Business type men in view of their wives!

  • Both men and women marry for money, love may not enter into the equation in many marriages.

  • They will keep the telephone numbers of past 'loves' and keep in touch with them even when married.

  • They have a diary of women visiting them throughout the year - ever wondered why some dates are just not that convenient for you to visit - especially in summer when there are lots of young girls around?

  • They will hire the same apartment and car to make it look like they have their own money when you visit or that your money is going to good use. Their tradition is to live in family groups - the concept of living alone does not enter into their psychs - your money will be going to pay for the whole family - why should they work as they have a rich benefactor -YOU!

  • They are always on the prowl for a better deal - I know - I have pretended to be 'interested' in someone who is 'attached' and they quite readily sum-up your age and what you are wearing and reciprocate the interest.

  • If they are lucky enough to get to live in the UK. I have seen them say goodbye to the wife in the UK, only to be greeted by their 'girlfriend' in Tunisia - Airports can tell you a lot of things.

As you may have guessed, a Tunisian man will want to be with you for one, two or three of these reasons - MONEY - VISA - SEX. They do not see age as any barrier to getting any or all of these things - a very young man will 'entertain' a European woman in her 70s or 80s to get he wants without flinching.

I have not met one Tunisian man (out of many) who has not done one of these three things to me - LIED, CHEATED or STOLE from me. But bear in mind, they do not take it well when they are found out - as I have learned.

Thank you for reading this and good luck.


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